Saturday, May 23, 2020

Christian Ethics Vs. U.S. Supreme Court - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 1979 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/08/19 Category Law Essay Level High school Tags: Supreme Court Essay Did you like this example? Introduction I would like to approach how we view our judicial system in the United States of America; while tackling the use of Christian ethics in the process. This can be a very sensitive issue when it comes any court of law. Our nation was founded under the principle of taking an oath before God before approaching any proceeding. Do, how much of Christian Ethics is applied to how we conduct proceedings? I will first describe how Christian Theology has molded our court systems into what it is known to be today. Then, I will attempt to explain how the Judiciary Law was come to change over the years. The position that I hope to substantiate is our approach as Christians to sentencing and court structure. When do we allow God to administer true justice or sentencing? Is it our responsibility to judge others, or is it the Lord’s decision to make? Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Christian Ethics Vs. U.S. Supreme Court" essay for you Create order Christian Ethics As described in this course, Christian Ethics is considered a form of Christian theology that defines a person’s behavior or improper behavior from a Christian perspective. This theological study of Christian ethics is also known as moral theology. Biblical Christian ethics is something that can’t be separated from theolog. Simply because it is grounded in the Word of God. The Purpose of Christian Ethics is to determine what is reflective or confirms God’s character and core principles. Without the divine direction of Christ, how are we justified in our decision making? The gospels clearly discern the difference between good and evil. God’s ethical order and commandments are the only true source of morality. Christian Ethics is an expansion of the moral order that was spoken over all of God’s creations. When Adam and Eve resided in the Garden of Eden, God gave them specific rules to abide by. Genesis 2: 16-17 reads, â€Å"16 And the Lord God commanded the man, â€Å"You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.† [Holy Bible, New International Version.] Also, the prophets and apostles chosen by God (The New Testament) were led and convicted by the Holy Spirit to write the gospels. This further attests to the truth that God gave us rules to abide by on Earth. As Christians we recognize the truth of God’s law. We must try our best to live our lives obeying it. A responsible man, or righteous man, will try to make his life dedicated to answer the call of God. U.S. Supreme Court High Court’s often have decisions concerning religion in many ways. Everyone has heard the term â€Å"separation of church and state.† Derek H. Davis, [(Aug 2016)]. This is frequently used to describe the relationship between federal and state law when compared to religion. This term is often used when compared to how often the church and state often interact with each other within the courtroom. There is a huge misconception that the Supreme Court constantly seeks separation between church and state. The simple fact is that nothing can be farther from the truth. The court system often tends to sanction state support of secular activities; which can arise in a within religious context. This is also while denying state aid to the considered sacred components of religious activity. Equality has always been considered the main pillar of American democracy. The founding fathers of our nation did not uphold equality as the main goal of the religion clauses though. The concept was created as a byproduct of deeper ideals. For example, the sanctioning religious pluralism along with providing equal access to the government office. The separation of church and state was really the center of how religion, and how state activity interacted in the United States. The court always carefully crafted a jurisprudence that rarely imposes on this kind of behavior. When looking at Supreme Court religion cases a little deeper; several philosophical lenses where used as powerful guides to understand a lot of court decisions when they were often considered highly co mplex. The United States Supreme Court has always played a huge role when it comes to the respect of religious institutions practice. The court’s jurisprudence basically has constructed the interpreted the meaning of the First Amendment. Provisions generally were divided into two clauses. The first clause in mention is the Establishment Clause; followed by the Free Exercise Clause. Religious cases were addressed by the Supreme Court since it was first convened in 1790. A large majority of those cases have been decided only since the beginning of 1940. That is solely due to the court’s adoption of the incorporation doctrine in the twentieth century prior. The court had considered religion to be under the jurisdiction of the states only. Also, the incorporation of the Federal Bill of Rights into the Fourteenth Amendment had changed as well. The United States system of judicial law is one of very strict separation between church and state. In some respects, this depiction can only be described as an overstatement. The separation of church and state is a traditional way of describing the relationship between religion and state in the American judicial system. This term itself is almost too broad to properly describe the whole system in its entirety though. American tradition in the respect to the separation of church and state does not necessarily mean that a separation of religion from government is required. The US Supreme Court has often requested an examination of the eighteenth-century Founding Fathers writings to ascertain its relationship. The court has also relied on the writings of Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence and the nation’s third president, to determine what the founder’s original intent of that very term. The phrase â€Å"wall of separation between church and state† was first used by President Jefferson in 1802. It was a shorthand explanation of the meaning he assigned to religion clauses. This phrase later was enlisted by the US Supreme Court in 1947 to be used as a formal definition. The court itself acknowledges that separating church and state was key to the founders’ original vision. Also, one of the most detrimental meanings of the separation of church and state is that the state is prohibited to shape, direct, or frame the religious beliefs of any American citizen. A person might believe that what is not tru e, or maybe even being manipulated into believing something that is false. This is a conflict of interest and a form of manipulation. The Supreme Court still cannot protect an individual on religions choices or views. The institutional form of separating the church and state is viewed most frequently in judicial decisions that limit religious activity in the public schools. The Supreme Court’s decision to limit a schools’ ability to entertain vocal prayers and scripture readings is one of its most notable. Ten Commandments, religious texts, or to advance a religious worldview are intended to protect and uphold the sacred domain of religion. This is a conflict of interest to the The High Court. It is often stressed that children are highly impressionable and may be permissible for the state occasionally to accommodate religious observances. Also, higher public education settings are instructed to leave the religious training of young children to parents. Religious bodies, and other private organizations are considered the proper outlet for school children. It is very important to remember that public s chools and institutions are where children begin their journey with social interaction and individuality. So, it is evident that courses that teach comparative religion, or literary aspects of religion are considered permitted. I can understand how the government should not intrude on those principles. The institutional separation of church and states has been somewhat experimental throughout human history. American society has always operated with the assumption that government should be the moral agent. In ancient history it was considered custom for the government to sponsor religious worship and proceedings. This was in the hopes of instilling morality into the local citizens. The American founders were convinced that a successful nation would not need the assistance to teach or lead its’ citizens with moral projection. They believed that moral training and values must come from the faith of the community, and not government. The Establishment Clause was the founders attempt to remove the government from directing the religious views of citizens. Mimicking that same notion; The Free Exercise Clause reflected the very same intentions of putting religion in the hands of the citizens. This is a perfect example of our nation giving its citizens the right to choose their own religious preference. As a Nation, The United States of America still struggles with this very aspect of law to this day. Conclusion Christian Ethics is something that has always been at the forefront of our culture. From the beginning of our creation, to the beginning of civilization, the Word of God has always been right there guiding us. As Christians we are to recognize the truth of God’s law and abide by it. Romans 13:1-7 reads, â€Å"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore, whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is Gods servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out Gods wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore, one must be in subjection, not only to avoid Gods wrath but also for the sake of conscience.† [Holy Bible, New International Version]. There may be large halls of government, political figures, celebrities, and even the rich and powerful. We are all held accountable if we do not lean on Gods’ understanding. We must all sacrifice everything and follow Jesus. Our law system may not have upheld those truths in the beginning, but the Word of God will never be denied. Grace and mercy is what the Holy Spirit shows us, so why is humanity so merciless to others? He must continue to pray for one another and love each other with a heart of Christ in order to receive forgiveness. It is very difficult to live in a secular word and exercise a biblical worldview. This is only because we are taught not to impose on someone else’s beliefs. I completely understand that, but maybe that is the issue. We spend so much time worried that we are going to offend someone that we never take the time to ask. If we only could stand firm in what we believe in, and respect other peoples’ beliefs, maybe we could get somewhere. To me that would be an excellent opportunity to work out our differences as a nation. As Christians it is our duty to bring people back to Christ. Our worldview should always reflect one of peace, grace, favor, and mercy. Understanding someone else’s situation is not the same thing as tolerating wrong doing. God is the divine one; who are we to judge? Bibliography Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV ® Copyright  ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 Francis Schaeffer, â€Å"Christian Faith and Human Rights,† Simon Greenleaf Law Review, 2 (1982-3), 5. Jones, Michael S. Moral Reasoning: An Intentional Approach to Distinguishing Right from Wrong. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2017. Joan Windmill Brown, ed., The Martyred Christian (New York, NY: Macmillan, 1985), 157. Derek H. Davis, Religion and Politics, Religion in America Online Publication Date: Aug 2016

Monday, May 18, 2020

Learn the French Word Maudit

The informal French adjective maudit, pronounced moh-dee, is an exclamation that means darned, blasted, or hateful. A more archaic definition is accursed. Examples Oà ¹ sont ces maudites clà ©s?Where are those darned keys?Aprà ¨s ce cours, je ne veux plus voir ce maudit livre.  After this class, I dont want to see this hateful book anymore.

Monday, May 11, 2020

The Crime Of White Collar Crime - 2571 Words

Crime is such a general word, and describes a whole conundrum of activities that are seen as unlawful. The oxford dictionary defines crime as â€Å"an action of omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law†. There are many different types of crimes, and they are classified based on the seriousness of the crime. Minor crimes/offences, for example a traffic offence, are called misdemeanors. More serious crimes, like murder, are called felonies and are punishable by more than a year in prison. When people hear the word crime, they most often associate it with a dangerous, violent act. There are crimes that are not violent in nature, but are still considered criminal acts because of their nature and their purpose. White-collar crime is one of those types of crimes that are non-violent but have a great impact on its victims. What is White-Collar Crime? White-collar crime is â€Å"generally identified as non-violent crimes that public officials and business people commit predominantly for their own personal gain†. Edwin Sutherland came up with the term â€Å"white-collar crime† to explain the crimes that both middle class and upper class people committed in the course of their business activities. White-collar crime is so often neglected as crime, that many people don’t even consider it as a crime until they are the victims. People don’t understand that the effects of white-collar crime are much higher than other crimes. If we look at it from a monetary perspective, the costsShow MoreRelatedBlack Collar Crimes And White Collar Crime1956 Words   |  8 Pagesexplaining what white collar crime in its introduction. The paper will then explain the distinct types of white collar crimes, after that different case study’s will be presented from the book to give examples of the diverse types of white coll ar crimes. After that the paper will talk about the diverse ways to combat white collar crimes while also going over the challenges law enforcement face when fighting white collar crime. Finally, the author will give his conclusion on white collar crime. Read MoreWhite Collar Crime1488 Words   |  6 PagesWelcome to the age of white collar crime. A time when the words thieves and businessmen go hand in hand. White collar criminals dont get their hands dirty in their work. They use their heads to get what they want instead of using a little muscle. These criminals are just as dangerous as the rapists and murderers. In these times, even the most seemingly respectable people are suspected of white collar crimes. President Clinton and the first lady Hillary Clinton have been tangled up in the WhitewaterRead MoreWhite Collar Crime2498 Words   |  10 Pagesdefinition of white collar and white collar crime * Various types of white collar crime B. Thesis statement: There are 3 causes of white collar and 5 way to combat with white collar crime. II. The cause of white collar crime is opportunities to commit crime. A. The loophole of the law and security B. An individual well known the operation of a company, the chances to commit fraud is higher. III. Second causes of white collar crime are workersRead MoreWhite Collar Crimes And Street Crimes1431 Words   |  6 PagesCrimes are one of the many things that all humans have in common. Whether it be a serious crime or not, everyone can commit a crime and go to jail for it. There are two types of crime that can be considered complete opposites of each other. They are white collar crimes and street crimes. White collar crimes are considered nonviolent crimes committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his/her occupation such as fraud, embezzlement, or bribery. On the other hand,Read MoreThe And White Collar Crime897 Words   |  4 Pages1. Literature Review Crimes have been occurring in our society for many years and recently the occurrence of non-violent crimes has increased dramatically. Traditional and white collar crimes have two traits in common, an objective and a modus operandi, but the major difference is that a white collar criminal has a plan and also the ability, knowledge and technology to execute it (Nevis, 2012). White-collar crimes can occur at any occupational level and affects all parts of society, from big businessesRead MoreStreet Crime And White Collar Crimes766 Words   |  4 Pageseconomic crimes goes up as well. Either it’s the street crimes or the white-collar crimes/corporate crimes but which of is a wide spread crime. Street crime and white-collar crimes affect the people negatively. You would be hurting yourself and others. Even though, street crimes are more violent then the white-collar. White collar effect you devastating you finacially and emotionally. Street crimes are more generally physical effect. White-collar crimes have financial issue and street crime have safetyRead MoreWhite Collar Crimes And Street Crimes1083 Words   |  5 PagesWhite-collar crimes are just as prevalent today as ordinary street crimes. Studies show that criminal acts committed by white-collar criminals continue to increase due to unforeseen opportunities presented in the corporate world, b ut these crimes are often overlooked or minimally publicized in reference to criminal acts on the street. Many street crimes are viewed as unnecessary, horrendous crimes because they are committed by lower class citizens, whereas white collar crimes are illegal acts committedRead MoreWhite Collar Crime And Corporate Crime1158 Words   |  5 PagesWhite-Collar Crime consists of occupational crime and corporate crime. Occupational crime refers to offences committed against legitimate institutions businesses or government by those with respectable social status. It includes the embezzlement of corporate funds, tax evasion, computer crime and expense-account fraud. It is not every day that we hear about white-collar crimes but these non-violent crimes are on the rise to the top. Federal Bureau of Investigation states that USA, for example recordedRead MoreBlack Collar Crime : White Collar1828 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction: Sometimes known as the ‘victimless’ crime, White Collar Crime includes crimes such as fraud, embezzlement and, more often than not, results in the criminal profiting money-wise which is one of the biggest lures into White Collar Crime (WCC). WCC, has become more and more easier and accessible as businesses move closer towards technology and further away from paper documents which makes it easier to commit WCC as, if you knew what you were doing, you could cover your tracks easier thanRead MoreThe White Collar Crime And Economic Crimes2126 Words   |  9 PagesIn India, the Law Commission in its 29th Report pointed out more or less the same factors as responsible for the rise of economic crimes, particularly, the white collar crimes. It observed, â€Å"The advance of technological and scientific development is contributing to the emergence of mass society, with a large rank and file and small controlling elite, encouraging the growth of monopolies, the rise of managerial class and intricate institutional mechanisms. Strict adherence to a high standard of ethical

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Economic Principle Of A Financial Economics Degree

In the past, I engaged in a very specific economic principle. The economic principle that once applied states that, everyone is better off with trade. I still remember when I was younger, studying at Jerome Middle School in Jerome, ID, where I conducted trades. My parents were proud owners of a Hispanic store. When I was younger I would take candy that was on sale at my parents store, bring it to school, and sell it. By doing this, I was conducting a trade with my consumers. I now notice that the principle stated above, everyone is better off with trade, is true. At the end of the day, I would leave with my earnings of the day, and my consumers would leave with their candy, well that’s if they haven’t ate it yet. Now that I’ve continued my studies at Northwest Nazarene University in pursue of a Financial Economics degree, I’ve studies economic issues that many economics have studied around the world. One in which I relate my story of when I was a child. Th e issue of poor countries is a popular one. Many like to question, â€Å"Will poor countries stay poor, if not, how can they become rich?† I look at this question, and think of when I was a child. Referring to my past story, I noticed that I was a child with no capital. I soon found capital finding a supply, candy, finding demand, my fellow classmates, and sell the product with a marked up value, and finally creating revenue. This is what poor countries need to do in order to improve their countries economic situation. AfterShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Principles For Financial Theory1339 Words   |  6 Pagestowards the theory of markets, economic fluctuation and a very efficient use of the limited resources. Because of his curiosity, he got the Nobel Prize for his theories presented. 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Night Creature Blue Moon Chapter 9 Free Essays

I deposited Mandenauer at the Eagle’s Nest. â€Å"Let us know if you need anything.† He leaned in through the passenger window and studied me more closely than I liked. We will write a custom essay sample on Night Creature: Blue Moon Chapter 9 or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"What if I need an assistant?† My pulse quickened at the thought of hunting the wolf or wolves, but I knew better than to appear eager. That was the quickest way to lose what I wanted. â€Å"Take it up with Clyde.† I shifted into reverse and Mandenauer withdrew his head from the window before he lost it. The sun was setting as I ambled back toward town. We’d been in the woods longer than I’d thought, which was usually the case. Hours ceased to have meaning when you were walking through the forest. Perhaps that was why I spent so much time there. I glanced at my watch, half-expecting the thing to have stopped when I entered the trees near Cadotte’s cottage. Of course it hadn’t. Time had marched on even as I had. My stomach rumbled. I thought about what I might have in my refrigerator at home, and knew it was the usual. Squat. When I reached the Sportsman’s Bar and Grill, I turned off the highway and went inside. A cheeseburger and soda later I went home. Darkness had descended completely while I was eating. I had three hours before my shift started at eleven. I could have savored another cola in the Sportsman, which was what I usually did when I ate there. But tonight the patrons, as well as the owner, the bartender, and the waitresses, had been full of questions about what was rotten in Miniwa. I’d answered them as best I could without really telling them anything they didn’t already know. They were nervous, though, and they made me nervous. So I left after one long, tall glass. Now what? Nights like these brought home to me the pathetic nature of my life. I had no friends but Zee, and I’d see her soon enough. No boyfriend – no kidding. No family but my mother, -who was in Arizona. Thank God. Most days I was fine with how things had turned out. I had the job I’d always wanted in a town I’d always loved. I had a decent apartment and the promise of a better future. I’d bought 250 acres just outside of Miniwa where I planned to build a home someday. Right now I kept it free of a trophy buck every fall. If life wasn’t perfect, it certainly didn’t suck. But there were times I just felt†¦ lonely. I could drive out to my land and do laps in my private pond. Instead of jogging, as many of my counterparts – excluding Clyde – did to keep in shape, I chose to swim. A lot less stress on the knees and a great way to increase upper body strength. I’m all for equality in the workplace, but you can’t argue with nature. Men had more upper body strength. I didn’t like it, but moaning wouldn’t change anything. More reps in the pond would. I pulled the Crown Victoria into my parking space. Since one of the officer benefits was personal use of the company vehicle – to a point – I didn’t even own a car. I rarely went anywhere but here. I stared up at my apartment. Though it was summer, the night wind in northern Wisconsin had a nip to it. Stripping to my Speedo and diving into a lake held little appeal. That the lake was nestled at the edge of a very dense, dark section of the woods lessened the appeal even more. I wasn’t chicken, but I wasn’t foolish, either. I could swim at the rec center as I’d been doing all winter – at least until the wolf problem was resolved. Maybe I’d have that second cola on my rarely visited balcony, sitting on my seldom-used porch furniture. I had a decent view on my side of the building, if I’d ever take a minute to look. The trees shaded the patio and someone had put a flower garden on a small knoll to the east. Perhaps I’d take a minute now. Once inside I removed my gun, set the weapon on top of my refrigerator, and stashed the bullets in my pocket. A lot of precautions for a woman who lived alone, but who knows when company might come. This way, if someone found the gun they wouldn’t have any bullets. If I needed the gun, the bullets were already on me. I looped the heavy utility belt over the coatrack. My gaze caught on the cell phone still tucked in the holder. I frowned. Why hadn’t Cadotte called? I needed to get that totem back before Clyde blew another brain cell. I glanced at my message machine, but the light wasn’t blinking. I checked the phone on my belt. Sometimes cell service cuts out in the deep woods, and sometimes it doesn’t. Why or why not is a mystery. But my battery was fine and there were no messages there, either. I caught a whiff of myself and headed for the bedroom. Missing bodies and rabid wolves made for a lot of nervous sweat. I stripped to the waist, then took a quick sponge bath and yanked a fresh khaki short-sleeved shirt from my closet. Buttoning the front, I returned to the kitchen and snagged one of the two colas I had left. I needed to go grocery shopping – my least favorite thing. When you lived alone and cooked rarely, the amount of choices in a grocery store was confusing. I usually came out with stuff I didn’t need and more that I didn’t know what to do with. Something clinked against the floor-length sliding doors leading to my patio. I glanced in that direction. Nothing but black night filled the glass. All I could see was myself. â€Å"Probably a really big bug,† I murmured. â€Å"Or a low-flying dumb bird.† I headed across the small living area, flicked the lock, picked up the metal rod that braced the door, and slid it open. Crickets chirped; the trees rustled; a chilly wind swirled into the room. I’d never noticed how dark this side of the building was. I cast a quick, longing glance toward my gun, then shook my head. I was not going to sit on my balcony armed. I was supposed to be relaxing. Besides, what was going to get me up here? Even a rabid wolf couldn’t jump fifty feet in the air. Could it? Since I hated being afraid, I made myself step onto the porch. I leaned my forearms along the railing, cradling my soda in my palms. The only reason I had a chill down my back was the icy remnants of winter on the breeze. As I stared at the forest, something slunk along the edge of the woods. Something low to the ground, something furry with a tail. â€Å"Coyote,† I said, and my voice sounded loud in the stillness of the night. I thought about what I’d said and frowned. Wolves wouldn’t tolerate coyotes in their territory. So had I really seen what I thought I had? I straightened and scanned the tree line again. But the night was too dark. Where was the moon? Lifting my gaze to the sky, I caught a muted silver glow hanging halfway between the earth and the apex. When had the clouds moved in? The scuffle of a foot against rocks and dirt pulled my attention from the sky to the ground. A man stood below my balcony. The soda slipped from my hand. I gasped. He glanced up and snatched the can from the air seconds before it would have smashed into his head. Soda sloshed across his shirt. His gaze met mine. â€Å"You throw things at everyone, or am I just lucky?† Cadotte asked. How to cite Night Creature: Blue Moon Chapter 9, Essay examples

Mr.Know All Essay Example For Students

Mr.Know All Essay SUMMARIZE: MR. KNOW ALL (Somerset Maugham) This story was happened in the Ocean-going liners from San Francisco to Yokohama for fourteen days. It was difficult to get accommodation, so the narrator had to share a cabin with a total stranger, but he expected him to be one of his own country men. Instead, he was deeply shocked to realize it was a chatty Levantine – Mr. Max Kelada. The narrator was prepared to dislike Mr. Kelada even before he saw him. When he went on board, he saw Mr. Kelada’s luggages and the toilet things that had already unpacked below. The man’s name and the sight of his things aroused a strong repulsion in him since he was prejudiced against all non-Britons, feeling superior to them. The irony of the story lies in the fact that the list of Mr. Kelada’s â€Å"negative† traits presented in the beginning of the story shows an orderly, neat and tidy gentleman, such as: a sturdy build, clean-shaven and dark-skinned, with a fleshy, hooked nose and vey large, lustrous and liquid eyes, sleek and curly long black hair. When the narrator met Mr. Kelada, his hatred got even stronger. He abhorred the cultural differences between Kelada and himself. He both detested and despised Mr. Kelada’s gestures. Therefore, the description of Kelada’s character is negative and biased. Mr. Kelada was a good mixer and ran everything. He organized some games as: sweeps, auctions, fancy dress ball, etc†¦ Mr. Kelada was a person that seemed to know everything and was involved in everything, not sensing that he was disliked by everybody. He was very chatty and talked as if he head beer superior to everyone else. The passengers mocked him and call him Mr. Know-All even to his face. Beside that, there was a dogmatic person on this liner – Mr. Ramsay, who was a American Consular Service and was stationed in Kobe. He – the man with loose fat under a tight skin; was on his way back to resume his post after picking up his pretty little wife, who had been spending alone in New York for a whole year. She looked very modest and adorable with her simple clothes, which achieved an effect of quiet distinction. One evening, the conversation drifted to the subject of pearls. As Mrs. Ramsay was wearing a pretty chain of pearl, Mr. Kelada announced that it certainly was a genuine one which had probably cost many thousand of dollars. And he was ready to bet a hundred dollar on it. On the other hand, Mr. Ramsay was cocksure that his wife had bought it for eighteen dollars in a department store. When Mr. Know-All took out a magnifying glass, a smile of triumph spread on his face, but he caught a desperate appeal in Mrs. Ramsay’s eyes. Then he was making over himself by all his effort and gave Mr. Ramsay a hundred dollars. Since Mr. Kelada did’nt want to destroy Mrs. Ramsay’s marriage, he ruined his reputation instead he told everybody that he was wrong and that string was an excellent imitation. The story spread over the ship and everybody mocked Mr. Kelada. Next morning, while the narrator and Mr. Know-All were in their cabin, an envelope pushed under the door after a small scraping. It contained a hundred dollar bill from Mrs. Ramsay. at the moment the narrator did not entirely dislike Mr. Kelada. The moral of the story is that we must no jude a book by its cover. Rather than judging a person by his looks, color or origin we should observe his behavior and reactions in difficult situation. Often in our self indulged lives we don’t take a moment to step back and look deeply at the true characters of the people around us. .u91ac4e2c1dc64875efff6e911a5b1a16 , .u91ac4e2c1dc64875efff6e911a5b1a16 .postImageUrl , .u91ac4e2c1dc64875efff6e911a5b1a16 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u91ac4e2c1dc64875efff6e911a5b1a16 , .u91ac4e2c1dc64875efff6e911a5b1a16:hover , .u91ac4e2c1dc64875efff6e911a5b1a16:visited , .u91ac4e2c1dc64875efff6e911a5b1a16:active { border:0!important; } .u91ac4e2c1dc64875efff6e911a5b1a16 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u91ac4e2c1dc64875efff6e911a5b1a16 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u91ac4e2c1dc64875efff6e911a5b1a16:active , .u91ac4e2c1dc64875efff6e911a5b1a16:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u91ac4e2c1dc64875efff6e911a5b1a16 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u91ac4e2c1dc64875efff6e911a5b1a16 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u91ac4e2c1dc64875efff6e911a5b1a16 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u91ac4e2c1dc64875efff6e911a5b1a16 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u91ac4e2c1dc64875efff6e911a5b1a16:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u91ac4e2c1dc64875efff6e911a5b1a16 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u91ac4e2c1dc64875efff6e911a5b1a16 .u91ac4e2c1dc64875efff6e911a5b1a16-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u91ac4e2c1dc64875efff6e911a5b1a16:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Self Evaluation EssayInstead we are happier with making our unsupported judgments on people and continuing to go about our own concerns. Mr. W. Somerset Maugham wrote a story called, Mr. Know-All, that shows us how we too often tend to act judgmental towards others, but later when we pause and take a closer look, we may find that they are truly greater in character than we are. The story starts with the narrator already expressing his dislike for the character, Mr. Max Kelada. He hasn’t even met the man before and he has already chosen to disassociate him. â€Å" I was prepared to dislike Max Kelada before I knew him. †¦ When I went on board I found that Mr. Kelada’s luggage was already below. I did not like the look of it; there were too many labels on the suitcase, and the wardrobe trunk was too big. † (Pg. 303-304) Here we can defiantly see a dislike for Mr. Kelada, before he even has a chance to show who he is, he isn’t liked. He hasn’t even received the chance to say one word of greeting or small talk, yet he is looked down upon as a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of a shoe because of his luggage. When the narrator finally meets Mr. Kelada he is set on the fact that he does not like him. He searches for the smallest reason not to like him and decides that Mr. Kelada isn’t formal enough with the way he addresses him. â€Å"I do not like to put on airs, but I cannot help felling that it is seemly in a total strange to put mister before my name when he addresses me. Mr. Kelada, doubtless to set me at my ease used no such formality. I did not like Mr. Kelada. † (Pg. 305) I could understand someone’s irritation if they were a doctor, or a General, or something of importance with not being labeled right; but to be upset because someone is talking friendly to you is being just plain rude. After a few days the narrator is sure that he does not like Mr. Kelada,