Saturday, November 30, 2019

Legalizing Marijuana Essays (1031 words) - Entheogens, Cannabis

Legalizing Marijuana Davis 7 Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana is the name for the drug that comes from the leaves and flowers of the Indian hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. It is a tobacco-like substance produced by drying the leaves and flowery top of the cannabis plant. Marijuana is usually smoked as a cigarette called a joint or in a pipe or bong. Recently, it has appeared in cigars called blunts which are longer. This drug is a mild hallucinogen, meaning that it distorts sensory perceptions. The intoxicating part of the plant lies mostly in its strong-smelling, sticky, golden resin. This is given off by the hemp flowers, especially those of the female plant. The resin protects the plant from heat and helps it stay moist during its reproductive cycle. Many users describe two phases of marijuana intoxication: initial stimulation, giddiness, and euphoria, followed by sedation and pleasant tranquillity. Mood changes can often accompany altered perceptions of time and space and one's bodily dimension. The hemp plant can be found growing as a weed or as a cultivated plant throughout the world, in many soils and climates, with the more potent varieties produced in dry, hot, upland, climates (Berger 1). All forms of marijuana are mind-altering. They all contain THC, the main active chemical in marijuana. THC was first identified in the mid-1960s. Its chemical structure is complex and unique, making it unlike that of any other psychoactive drug. There are also four hundred other chemicals in the marijuana plant besides THC, but they do not cause the same effect. For this reason, marijuana is, by far, the most frequently used illegal drug. Though its use in the United States is primarily for the pleasure effect of the drug, it has been used as an intoxicant in various parts of the world for centuries. Marijuana is known as a Schedule I drug which means it is one of the most tightly controlled drugs (McCormick 94). Only few countries around the world have legalized marijuana, but those that have, have seen good results. Marijuana has many benefits and is used for various reasons other than the reaction from the drug, and therefore it should be legalized. The first existence of marijuana was first described in print in a Chinese book of medicine in the second century B.C.E. and was used in China as an anesthetic five thousand years ago (Freeman 58). Its earliest use was recommended as a painkiller during operations. Known in Central Asia as early as 3000 BC, marijuana was used as a folk medicine. The practice of smoking it was brought to Brazil by black slaves from Africa. After spreading throughout Mexico, it was brought to the United States by Mexican laborers. In the 1800s, it was popular with black field hands in the South and in the hashish houses that often took the place of opium dens. Many people knew that they would profit from marijuana in America and they imported the drug any way possible. Marijuana was smuggled across the Mexican border in a variety of ways including inside the gasoline tanks of motor vehicles (Bugliosi 13). During the 1920s and 1930s, marijuana rose in popularity, especially among jazz musicians, most of whom were black. The effects of marijuana back then, were believed to turn men into social deviants capable of crazed, even homicidal behavior. The violence of which they were capable had more to do with white racist imaginings than with facts. Nonetheless, marijuana was outlawed in 1937. These beliefs played a part in the passage of the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act, which tried to control the use of marijuana. The Marijuana Tax Act made the use or sale of marijuana without a tax stamp a federal offense. The law also included stiffer penalties for marijuana use. Over the next decade, drug penalties got even tougher. Most of the marijuana that is smoked in the United States is grown in the United States. Most wild United States cannabis is considered inferior to the Jamaican, Colombian, and Mexican varieties that range much higher in percent THC potency. This drug accounts for many arrests every year and costs each state millions. More recently, many marijuana growers have taken their illegal crop indoors. It is now frequently grown in basements, attics, and outbuildings under lights with timed fertilizer and sprinkler systems. Growers generally try to get the highest THC in order to produce the greatest possible effect, which would result in more sales and profit. Few marijuana growers are

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How Has Texting Affected Teenagers Essay Example

How Has Texting Affected Teenagers Essay Example How Has Texting Affected Teenagers Essay How Has Texting Affected Teenagers Essay How has texting affected teen literacy? This is one question asked by many, and not always answered. After doing much research, I have come up with an answer to this question. There are pros as well as cons to texting when it comes to teens. The pros of texting are that texting allows teens to communicate with each other more often. Another pro is that they have the capability to call a parent when in a situation where alcohol or drugs are involved. While texting can have some pros, it also comes with its own set of cons. One con is that texting is leading to anxiety, stress, distraction in school, and sleep deprivation. All of this added together can cause teens to have falling grades in school. Another, con is that texting can distract teens while they are driving. Texting and driving has become one of the most common causes of car accidents. One common thing you can see in schools is texting in class. One other thing you will see is cheating during tests. Some schools have banned cellphones during tests but this has not helped at all. These rules only affect the teens that are willing to break rules. The amount of teens who own a cell phone in the world is enormous. In 2011, 77% of the teenage population owned a cell phone, which is very similar to the 75% presented in 2009. Due to the unlimited texting plans presented by various mobile carriers texting has increased substantially in popularity. According to the Nielson Company, American Teenagers sent and received and average of 2,272 text messages per month in the fourth quarter of 2008. This totals to about 80 messages a day. In 2010, this amount of 2,272 text messages in the fourth quarter of 2008, grew to an amount of 6. 1 trillion text messages in 2010. This goes to show how much texting has grown in popularity and is a growing issue that effects teens everywhere. As texting becomes more popular, more and more teens begin to have falling grades in school and also putting themselves in danger while driving. If parents started to be more watchful of how much their children text, they could help them keep control of their texting. Baker,Lisa. Cell Phones and Their Positive Effects on Youth eHow 15. April. 2012 Starovoit,Veronica. How Does Text Messaging Affect the Ability to Write Speak in English? eHow 16. April. 2012 Lenhart,Amanda. Overall cell ownership steady since 2009 PewInternet 19. Mar. 2012 Hafner,Katie. Texting May Be Taking a Toll on Teenagers The New York Times 25. May. 2009

Friday, November 22, 2019

SAT Punctuation Tips for Commas, Colons, and Dashes

SAT Punctuation Tips for Commas, Colons, and Dashes SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The SAT Writing and Language section will test you on your knowledge of punctuation. Understandably, many students are utterly confused by commas and semicolons and clueless when it comes to colons and dashes. In this article, I'll eliminate your confusion and explain all of the punctuation rules you need to know to ace SAT Writing. Furthermore, I'll provide practice questions to test you on what you've learned. Punctuation on SAT Writing SAT punctuation questions test you on your knowledge of commas, semicolons, colons, dashes, and apostrophes. In this article, I’ll explain the rules for all punctuation except apostrophes because I’ve devoted a separate article to apostrophes. Excluding apostrophe questions, there are about 4-6 punctuation questions on the SAT. Most of the punctuation rules are fairly straightforward; if you spend the time to learn and understand these rules, you should be able to correctly answer the punctuation questions on SAT Writing. The Rule for All SAT Punctuation Questions:When in Doubt, Leave It Out For the SAT, if you’re unsure if a sentence requires punctuation, it’s better to err on the side of leaving out punctuation. Only use commas, semicolons, colons, or dashes if you identify a situation that requires them. You’re more likely to miss a punctuation question by adding unnecessary punctuation than by leaving out punctuation that’s needed. Take a look at this example: The comma before â€Å"that† is unnecessary. A common error on SAT punctuation questions is to randomly place a comma or semicolon within a sentence, especially in sentences in which there are other commas. In this sentence, answer choice D is the correct answer. No punctuation is needed. Remember that if punctuation isn’t needed, you should leave it out. Now I’ll go over specific rules to help you determine when to use punctuation. The 6 SAT Comma Rules While there are a multitude of comma rules, the SAT only tests a few of them. I’ll explain the comma rules that are important to know for the SAT. #1: Surround Non-Restrictive Clauses and Appositives With Commas The key rule to remember here is that a portion of a sentence that can be removed without changing the meaning of the sentence must be surrounded by commas. Relative Clauses: Restrictive vs. Non-Restrictive Relative clauses are dependent clauses that describe a noun and start with a relative pronoun or adverb like â€Å"who,† â€Å"that,† â€Å"which,† or â€Å"where.† The basic rule is that restrictive clauses shouldn’t be surrounded by commas and non-restrictive clauses should be. What’s a Restrictive Clause? Restrictive clauses are essential to the meaning of the sentence. You can’t take a restrictive clause out of a sentence without significantly changing the meaning of the sentence. Here’s an example: People who sleep well are more alert. If you remove the clause â€Å"who sleep well,† the meaning of the sentence would be substantially changed. You’d be left with â€Å"People are more alert.† Because you can’t remove the clause without changing the meaning of the sentence, the clause shouldn’t be surrounded by commas. What’s a Non-Restrictive Clause? A non-restrictive clause isn’t essential to the meaning of the sentence. If you got rid of the clause, the sentence would still make sense, and its meaning wouldn’t change. Here’s an example sentence with the non-restrictive clause underlined. Nate, who works as a software engineer, majored in computer science. The clause â€Å"who works as a software engineer† adds more information about Nate, but if it were removed, the meaning of the sentence would be the same. There would be less information about Nate, but the sentence still states that he majored in computer science. This is what the sentence looks like after removing the non-restrictive clause: Nate majored in computer science. What Is an Appositive? An appositive is a descriptive phrase that doesn’t include a verb. Like a non-restrictive clause, an appositive can be removed without changing the meaning of the sentence. Here’s an example sentence with the appositive underlined: Torsha, a fan of celebrity gossip, loves watching The Wendy Williams Show. If we get rid of the appositive, the sentence still has the same meaning: Torsha loves watching The Wendy Williams Show. If you’re unsure if a phrase is an appositive, eliminate the phrase. If the meaning of the sentence is unchanged, the descriptive phrase is an appositive that should be surrounded by commas. The rule that appositives must be surrounded by commas is one of the most often tested comma rules on the SAT. SAT Example Because the only difference in the answer choices is the placement of commas, we know this question is testing our knowledge of comma rules. In this sentence, the phrase â€Å"an associate professor of geology at Ohio State† is an appositive. The phrase describes Jason Box, and it can be removed without changing the meaning of the sentence. All we have to do is apply the rule that appositives must be surrounded by commas. The error in the original sentence is that there is no comma after â€Å"Ohio State.† The correct answer is C. There is no comma before the appositive in answer choice B, and answer choice D places a comma within the appositive unnecessarily, and there isn’t a comma at the end of it. Pretty comma (stealingsand/Flickr) #2: Use Commas After Introductory Phrases or Clauses Any time a sentence starts with a dependent clause or modifying phrase, it must be followed by a comma. Here are some examples: Although I want to go to Hawaii for Joe’s wedding, I have to work. In high school, Suzy was the class clown. Unable to focus because of the loud construction work outside, Harry went to the library to study. SAT Example On the SAT, a sentence may include an introductory dependent clause or phrase, and you have to select the proper punctuation that follows the introduction. Only a comma can come after an introductory phrase or clause that isn’t a complete thought. The introductory phrase, from â€Å"Living† to â€Å"ethic,† modifies the Harvey Girls. Because the phrase isn’t a complete thought, meaning it can’t stand alone as a sentence, we must put a comma at the end of the phrase. The correct answer is D. Answer choice C is wrong because the addition of â€Å"and† makes the sentence incorrect. When an introductory phrase describes a noun, the noun being modified must come directly after the comma. In this sentence, the phrase is modifying the Harvey Girls. #3: Use Commas to Separate Items in a List You’re probably familiar with this comma rule: in lists of three or more items, you must place a comma after every item except the last. Check out this example: During spring break, my days will consist of eating, watching Netflix, and sleeping. The three items on the list are â€Å"eating,† â€Å"watching Netflix,† and sleeping. Because there are three items, there are commas after the first two. The last comma in the list before â€Å"and,† known as the oxford comma, is technically optional, and you won’t be tested on whether or not to use it. However, every list question I've seen uses the oxford comma. Here’s another example: Participation in sports teaches many important values, including perseverance, teamwork, and dedication. The three items on this list are â€Å"perseverance,† â€Å"teamwork,† and â€Å"dedication.† On the SAT, there may be incorrectly placed commas placed before the first item or after the â€Å"and† prior to the last item. In the sentence above, you can’t place a comma after â€Å"including† or before â€Å"dedication.† Incorrect: Participation in sports teaches many values, including, perseverance, teamwork, and dedication. Incorrect: Participation in sports teaches many values, including perseverance, teamwork, and, dedication. Correct: Participation in sports teaches many values, including perseverance, teamwork, and dedication. Sleep is important. (RelaxingMusic/Flickr) SAT Example As we know, items in a list must be separated by commas. The three items in this list are "yogurt manufacturers," "food scientists," and "government officials." The semicolon in the original sentence is being used incorrectly. In answer choice D, there is an unnecessary comma placed after â€Å"and.† The correct answer is C. #4: Don’t Use Commas to Separate Complete Thoughts Using a comma to separate two complete thoughts creates a grammar error known as a comma splice. Here’s an example of a comma splice: Dorothy failed her test, it was extremely difficult. The clauses before and after the comma are complete thoughts that could stand alone as sentences. There are a few ways to correct a comma splice. You can put a conjunction after the comma: Dorothy failed her test, but it was extremely difficult. Also, you can put a relative pronoun after the comma: Dorothy failed her test, which was extremely difficult. Finally, you can use a semicolon or colon to correctly separate two complete thoughts: Dorothy failed her test; it was extremely difficult. Dorothy failed her test: it was extremely difficult. Next, take a look at acomma splice example from the real SAT. amboo who?/Flickr SAT Example The comma after â€Å"instance† is incorrect because the clauses before and after the comma are complete thoughts. Answer choice C is still a comma splice. Answer choice D is wrong because the resulting sentences don’t make sense in context. The correct answer is B. A colon comes after a complete thought, and it sets up a list or explanation. In this sentence, an explanation follows the colon. Even if you were unsure of colon rules (which I’ll explain later), you could have selected the right answer by eliminating wrong answer choices. #5: Don’t Use a Comma Between an Adjective and a Noun You can’t place a comma between an adjective and noun. Check out this example sentence: Incorrect: Trista bought a blue, truck. Correct: Trista bought a blue truck. On the SAT, this comma rule tends to come up when a title is being used as an adjective before a noun. Here are a couple of examples: Incorrect: I enjoy reading the books of acclaimed writer, Malcolm Gladwell. Correct: I enjoy reading the books of acclaimed writer Malcolm Gladwell. Many people incorrectly assume there should be a comma; however, in this sentence, â€Å"writer† is describing Malcolm Gladwell, and you can’t place a comma between an adjective and a noun. I like his books. (Michelle Tribe/Flickr) Similarly, if the title comes before a possessive noun, there shouldn’t be a comma after the title or the possessive. Check out this example: Incorrect: You are extremely excited to read PrepScholar writer, Justin Berkman’s next article. Incorrect: You are extremely excited to read PrepScholar writer Justin Berkman’s, next article. Correct: You are extremely excited to read PrepScholar writer Justin Berkman’s next article. SAT Example Remember that there shouldn't be a comma after a title used as an adjective or a possessive noun. In this sentence, there are commas placed after both "painter" and "Georges Seurat's." We need to remove the commas to correct the sentence. Only answer choice D removes both unnecessary commas. Semicolons on the SAT The only thing you have to know about semicolons is that they are used to separate two complete thoughts. You should be able to replace the semicolon with a period and have two complete sentences. Here’s an example: Incorrect: Because Jesse is my friend; I invited him to my party. Correct: Jesse is my friend; I invited him to my party. The second sentence is correct because the semicolon is separating two independent clauses. On the SAT, semicolons are often used incorrectly. SAT Example Immediately, we know that the semicolon is incorrect because the phrase after the semicolon can’t stand alone as a sentence. Now we have to determine the correct comma placement. Answer choices B and C are wrong because you can’t place a comma after a preposition. Answer choice D is correct; the comma separates the independent clause from the explanatory phrase. Keep in mind that commas often separate independent clauses from dependent clauses or descriptive phrases. Colons on the SAT Colons can connect two independent clauses, but they're usually used to introduce lists and explanations. Colons must come after a complete sentence. You should be able to put a period in place of the colon and have a sentence that makes sense. Incorrect: Jasmine brought everything she needed for the exam, including: pencils, a backpack, and a calculator. Correct: Jasmine brought everything she needed for the exam: pencils, a backpack, and a calculator. The first sentence is incorrect because the part that comes before the colon isn’t a complete thought. Also, a colon should be used instead of a comma to separate a noun from items on a list: Incorrect: Lewis was excited to meet his relatives, his aunt, uncle, and cousins from the Bahamas. Correct: Lewis was excited to meet his relatives: his aunt, uncle, and cousins from the Bahamas. The first sentence makes it seem like â€Å"his relatives† is part of the list. However, all of the people he is meeting are his relatives, and the portion after the colon lists the relatives whom he will be meeting. Additionally, colons can be used to provide explanation. Here’s an example: Sandy repeatedly complained about her least favorite restaurants: places where you can often hear loud conversations and crying babies. In the above sentence, the colon is placed after a complete thought, and the portion of the sentence after the colon describes the type of restaurants that Sandy dislikes. You could substitute the colon with a comma, but you need punctuation to separate the complete thought from the explanatory phrase. SAT Example The portion of the sentence after â€Å"army† describes the other type of army. We need punctuation to separate the complete thought up until â€Å"army† from the phrase elaborating on this group of people. Answer choice C is incorrect because the phrase following â€Å"army† isn’t a complete thought, and answer choice B is wrong because the dash before â€Å"by† is unnecessary (I’ll explain dashes next). The correct answer is D. Dashes on the SAT Dashes aren’t very common on the SAT, but they do come up. They can be used to mark off a non-essential clause or phrase (like a comma) or introduce a list or explanation (like a colon). If dashes are used with non-essential clauses or phrases, you can’t mix them with commas. You have to go with either two dashes or two commas. Here’s an example: Incorrect: Ryan, an energetic teenager- can’t sit still during class. Correct: Ryan- an energetic teenager- can’t sit still during class. Correct: Ryan, an energetic teenager, can’t sit still during class. This is an example using a dash like a colon to set up an explanation: Correct: Ryan can’t sit still during class- he’s an energetic teenager. Lastly, a dash can be used for stylistic reasons to interrupt a statement or create a dramatic pause. Check out this example: Byron spent hours painting a beautiful picture- and then his little brother destroyed it. You don’t have to worry too much about using dashes for this type of sentence. If a dash is the correct answer in a similar sentence, then you’ll be able to eliminate the other answer choices because they’ll be obviously incorrect. SAT Example The phrase from â€Å"popularized† to â€Å"Coolidge† is a non-essential phrase. You can get rid of the phrase without altering the meaning of the sentence. The error is that the phrase is first marked off with a dash and then a comma. Remember that you can’t mix dashes and commas when marking off non-essential phrases and clauses. Therefore, to maintain consistency, the correct answer is B. Punctuation cookies! (David Erickson/Flickr) The Most Important Rules and Strategies for SAT Punctuation Because we’ve gone over a number of punctuation rules and ways to correct punctuation errors, I’m going to sum up the most important points to help you correctly answer SAT Writing punctuation questions. Important Rules Surround appositives and non-essential phrases with commas. Use commas to separate items in a list. Don’t use commas in between two independent clauses. Semicolons connect two independent clauses. Colons come after a complete sentence and set up a list or explanation. Dashes can be used to mark off non-essential clauses or introduce lists and explanations. Strategies Leave out punctuation unless you identify a situation that requires it. You’ll never be asked to choose between interchangeable punctuation marks: if two answer choices serve the same function, then both will be wrong. Use process of elimination to determine the right answer on punctuation questions. Many of the wrong answers will have errors that you’ll be quickly able to detect. Eliminating the wrong answers can sometimes be easier than choosing the right one. Practice Questions Try these practice questions using the knowledge you've acquired. Studies show that children; who are physically active may perform better in the classroom. A. NO CHANGE B. children, C. children D. children: Last week, Theodore- who is an extremely conscientious student, won a $10,000 scholarship; his parents are incredibly proud. A. NO CHANGE B. student- won C. student won D. student: won Julie was thoroughly confused: she couldn’t figure out where she put her car keys. A. NO CHANGE B. confused, she C. confused she, D. confused she Paul was overcome with joy when he saw actor, Keanu Reeves, in the parking lot of a McDonald’s restaurant. A. NO CHANGE B. actor, Keanu Reeves C. actor: Keanu Reeves D. actor Keanu Reeves I hurried home from school to find Max, my dog that I’ve had for five years chewing on my favorite pair of shoes. A. NO CHANGE B. had, for five years chewing C. had for five years, chewing D. had, for five, years chewing Answers: 1. C, 2. B, 3. A, 4. D, 5. C What's Next? If you thought punctuation wasn't tested on the SAT because you're only familiar with the old SAT, read this article to find out how the SAT Writing section has changed. Also, make sure you know and understand the most important grammar rules for SAT Writing (coming soon). Finally, as you're preparing for the SAT, learn the pros and cons of different prep methods. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by SAT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

American History - 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

American History - 7 - Essay Example The United States in World War 1 The Great War began in August 1914 Both Allies and Central powers expected quick victory Weapons had changed drastically from the Napoleonic war But the tactics remained largely the same Combat on the Western Front evolved into trench warfare Casualties in a single battle often numbered into hundreds of thousands President Wilson tried to maintain a policy of neutrality The war transformed the American society as the government grew Wartime labor shortage increased opportunities for everyone 3. Wartime propaganda Posters were used to spread war propaganda They propagandized the war for a number of purposes The purposes were both general and specific They were used mainly To rebut opposition messages To encourage the purchase of government bonds To ensure compliance with various wartime programs The programs also included food conservation To create support for the warfront They were put in public places 4. The Wartime Industries Board Was central to m anagement of industries during war time Curtailment plans were carried out by agreement Conservation schedules were made by the board Savings in the agricultural implement industry were the most affected Motor vehicles and textile industries were also affected The practices were later seen as costing the consumer more without enriching the producers Lessons were learnt that could be applied to peace time The problem was mainly bringing adjustment of the industrial process Demand was made for vigorous enforcement of all proper measures for suppression of unfair competition Policies for curbing vicious practices were to be supplemented with positive programs 5. Woman Suffrage Brought forward the concept that it was politics that made America the cradle of democracy Also shows the slow nature that women took to assume equal rights Men believed what they wanted to believe that women did not desire votes In 1916, 38000 women signed petitions to the electors asking for votes There were mo re women who wanted to vote than there were men willing to grant them the privilege Lax election laws and methods often opened doors for corruption The alleged rejection of suffrage became an indication of an adverse public sentiment Party suffrage endorsement was won after forty eight years of unceasing effort Women fought one of the bravest, strongest battles for the purpose of enfranchisement The inaction of the public gave a mandate for further political evasion of the question Part Two: Essays After reading the chapters, write three essay/discussion questions: 1. Explain the course of World War one 2. What was to be the basis of a German-Mexican alliance? 3. What lessons for postwar America did Baruch play in the operations of the WIB? From the above list, respond to one of the above questions: 1. Explain the course of World War one The First World War began in August 1914, both the Allies and the Central Powers expected Victory within a matter of weeks, but the war would go on for four years, claiming 10 million lives. In the Napoleonic Wars a century before, opposing armies had fired at one another with muskets across an open field.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Global warming Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Global warming - Research Paper Example While considering meat’s entire lifecycle, a meat eater is said to contribute to 1.5 tons more greenhouse gases per year compared to a vegetarian. This fact has been revealed by a study conducted by the University of Chicago (Michael, 2009). By contrast, changing to a hybrid Toyota Prius from a Toyota Camry is expected to help humans get rid of one ton of greenhouse gases per year (Michael, 2009). Global meat production is increasing every year. This is found to be adding more global warming gases. Therefore it is said that one of the easiest ways to decrease the collective greenhouse gas emissions is to consume less meat. Similarly every human activity is blamed to be causing global warming. These findings appear to be amusing when we properly understand the nature of the process, global warming. Global warming is believed to be primarily caused by carbon dioxide emitted into atmosphere through the use of fossil fuels in vehicles. However we forget that natural water cycle is causing much more carbon-dioxide to come in and out of the atmosphere. Even though we cannot deny that human activities are contributing to warming of earth, it would be wrong to comment that global warming is completely human-made. Some of the causes of global warming are in the arctic region. The polar ice caps melt faster than they get evaporated. This process would be reversed in ten to twenty years. Human activities are causing less than three percent of greenhouse gas release into the atmosphere. Average world temperature is gradually increasing; this process is happening in the last one million years. This is long back the human activities started on earth. Global warming has been happening long back industries started emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. We are of the belief that carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere today will negatively affect human beings several hundred years later. This is however not true. The lifespan of carbon dioxide is only 20 year s. After 20 years, the emitted carbon dioxide would completely disappear from atmosphere. Sun has little role in heating the atmosphere. The high frequency radiation of sun does not heat atmosphere. Hot bodies like sun cannot release low frequency radiation called infrared radiation. Rather, the heat from the sun heats the earth’s surface. This process reduces the radiation to infrared. Heat moves into the atmosphere by different processes like conduction, convection and evaporation. The infrared radiation gets absorbed by carbon dioxide. Instead, the sun’s rays heats the Earth’s surface, this weakens the radiation to infrared. From there it moves in to the earth’s atmosphere by any means necessary (Conduction, convection, evaporation). Then the inferred radiation is absorbed by the CO2. Almost 97 percent of the heat in the atmosphere is caused by evaporation or convection. Greenhouse gases are not responsible for this warming of atmosphere (Mintzer, 1992 ). The climatic changes of these ages are negligible compared to the climatic changes of the ancient periods (Mintzer, 1992) (Mike, 2006). Water evaporation is the chief cause of global warming. Water evaporation is causing global warming 100 times more than carbon dioxide emission (Mike, 2006). Human activities

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Segmentation, Targeting and positioning strategy for MEENA BAZAAR Essay Example for Free

Segmentation, Targeting and positioning strategy for MEENA BAZAAR Essay Segmentation, Targeting and positioning of Agora : Market Targeting: Service targeted at selected customer Strategy: 1. concentrated marketing strategy to serve a single market ; Segmentation: Apporx. 20,000 target customers represents this market with geographic, demographic and psychographic correspondence 1. Geographic: Urban dealers staying at Dhaka and more specifically in Dhanmondi, Gulshan, Uttara, Malibag and Mirpur area; 2. Demographic segmentation: SEC A or Upper class with at least a monthly household income of 35000+ and Married people of age 25 and above with a family of 3 to more members 3. Psychographic segmentation: Actualizer, achiever and experiencer who are not more than 13% of SEC A+ population Habituated in modern lifestyle. Looking for convenience in every means e.g. Cooking, hence preferred frozen food as well as during shopping, Quality of service and product is non-negotiable and ready to expense more to meet the need. Willing to improve their quality of life with lifestyle choice 4. Product related segmentation: Every day user of at least one product or service provided by the company Positioning: Agora promises a valuable shopping experience that provides frozen foods to meet the convenient need of its customers. It aims to consistently provide a remarkably satisfying and valuable shopping experience through a business that provides quality product for customers and team members. With a brand core essence: Opportunity Analysis for MEENA BAZAAR: Opportunity Identification: with Buyers type: Socio Economic Psychographic type: (Ref. BBS 2010 HH penetration data) Global -1.4 mio of total HH with an average monthly income of 35000+ , mostly achievers and experiencer who are enjoying their life at fullest.; AGORA Reached only 0.14% of total  population (Ref, Aagora web page) Seeking Striving – 2.9 mio of total HH with an average monthly income of 20000.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

strategy :: essays research papers

The Net Comments In The Light Of The Course Concepts Angela Bennett like all of us, lives in the age of information. Every trace of her existence is computerized. Everything about her is encoded somewhere on a complex network of information. It's something Angela never thought about... until the day she was deleted. With the explosion of technological advances in the last few years, "The Net" is a story from today's headlines. It takes place in a world in which anything, from ordering a pizza to retrieving records from half-way across the planet, can be accomplished through the vast and complicated map of phone lines and computers known as the Internet; a world in which, with the right knowledge and the right program, a good cracker can log into remote computers and alter any information they choose: flight plans, medical and criminal records, top secret government information, even someone's identity. Angela Bennett, is an introverted top system analyst at Cathedral Systems. She sits at her keyboard, doing all her work by phone and modem. When she needs to eat, she uses the Internet to order a pizza. As a well-paid freelancer, she spends her days working out of her home finding flaws in and debugging new programs sent to her on disc by her employer, or tracking down viruses hacked into unsuspecting systems. At nights she is "chatting" with other friends from the cyberspace on the 'Net'. She's quite happy with her somewhat lonely routine, until the very life she's made for herself, her whole life, in fact is snatched away from her with the stroke of a single key. This pushes her headlong into the middle of a murderous web of corruption and conspiracy. The only time Angela gets out of the house is when she goes on a vacation to Mexico, and even then, she has her laptop with her. However, right before heading south of the border, Angela comes into possession of a disk containing information vital to the successful criminal activity of a group of cyber-bad guys, the Praetorians. They know she has it, and will stop at nothing to get it back. Angela discovers secret information on the disk she has received only hours before she leaves for vacation. While relaxing on a Mexican beach, Angela meets a dashing fellow hacker with the style and charisma of James Bond. Unfortunately for Angela, he also has a gun, which he plans to use on her.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Globalization and Youth Essay

Globalization and Culture mean different things to different people and the emerging generation will shape the future of both. There has been cultural implications are central to understanding human side of globalization in youth culture as a whole. Youth are important but the society does not realize this because they are paying attention to more the cultural side of the problem. No longer is it a question of whether globalization is having an impact on all aspects of human life; the more pressing question being asked today is what that impact entails. The core goal is to explore the situated effects of the era in which we are living now on the global and local cultures of young people† according to Jacqueline Kennelly. The youth have come to represent both the moral decline of eroding social fabric and the hope for a new and creative response to challenging times in which global youth cultures have responded to that incorporates the limits and possibilities of the contemporary era. There have been many laws that have made children and the youth enter into the market in ways they should not. The implications of this situation is that young people are now required to turn inward- to themselves and in some cases their families in order to respond to enormous uncertainties and risk associated with modern life. Youth studies appear to have increased on how we need to represent local youth identities and social practices within international, transnational or global contexts. This challenge is repeated across many different types of study and worked through in a variety ways. There is a common thread that will help young people’s identities and lives today must or should be understood with reference to global phenomena and frameworks and in terms of how they can negotiate and are formed in the intersection of local and global contexts. People are beginning to question about youth identities today, one of the key problems is that young people do not realize the gains and losses these youth are facing in the local and global comparison. Many of these studies have realized that youth research examines the impact of globalization on the youth experience and identity and in various ways engages with the local and global dualism as conceptual frameworks that have been studied throughout the years. These studies show more of strengths than weaknesses due to the global levels in focus with the local, national and global levels. The youth have been studied for many years which mean there is a lot to more research about how globalization will affect the many concerns today. Contemporary youth research is conducted in the era of cultural globalization and this means that it can cause more trouble to what is being studied. Globalization in youth is something hard to explain but it is easy to explain when talking about the world as a whole. It shows that youth do have a big impact on the world because they are learning to set an example for when they grow up to show that they can make changes as their role models have. Academic youth and culture have been long understood as inseparable and closely related to one another since education is important if they want to have good paying careers. Most of this information is based on the ethnic culture since we have different types it is hard to know which ones will be successful and who will be the troublemakers. The context of globalization processes understanding and the preservation of ethnic self-identity has become important value for that reason our youth needs to understand that the lifestyle is different from what it was a few years ago because youth are using more technology and seem to know more about situations before the adults tend to know. As Sam George states â€Å" Young people have a symbiotic relationship with globalization that accelerates its influence in their lives†, and studies have shown that people have been denied the existence of globalization of culture. As explained it is widely agreed that there is no such thing as global culture, but it has not been figured out and it hard to explain since youth and globalization have different aspects. It is difficult to discern between global and local influences between the spatial effects of globalization in our everyday lives. This is a special issue that needs to be addressed to the point that the youth cultural spaces that have been immune to social inequalities. As explained in many of these articles we see that youth have created new social and cultural spaces in the global and local communities that experience problems with race, class and gender all over the world. I think youth need to have more focus because everyday in the news something is going on with children getting into trouble or dying for unknown reasons. Such as getting shot for wearing a hoodie or taking unknown drugs that affect them by hanging around bad influences this is an example of how youth culture By mapping and troubling how these frameworks operate in recent research about youth and globalization, Kennelly â€Å"asks how researchers interpret that represent apparent transformations in their lives. † Education also plays an important role in the youth culture because the education systems are organized nationally and there has been suspicion that globalization has been on the rise in these communities according to Julie McLeod. Global or transnational changes do not simply happen in global either and can manifest in particular places and times. As Kenneth Hultqvist (2003) argues while there â€Å" is nothing global or general per se,† globalizing trends and ideas are made â€Å"global by being inserted and translated and put to work on various local (national) contexts†. There have been many studies that can be used and be understood about many ideas and truths about young people in today’s society. It also involves looking at local translations and not only of global discourses in the economic processed and how it impacts the experience of young people. The word â€Å"Globalization† has been widely used in the last ten years of the last century especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Globalization appeared clearly in a period a little more than ten years and was based in the USA after the collapse of the socialist bloc . Thus globalization moved in rapid leaps skipping time phases especially after the Information and communication revolution, the arm race, the unipolar hegemony over third-world countries and countries of the previous socialist bloc . Globalization was introduced at the beginning as a modernizing aspect that brings about changes in the scientific block. Globalization was introduced at the beginning as a modernizing aspect that brings about changes in the scientific, just like cultural and political fields that aims at linking economic and technological advancement associating things to establish a new global civilization that is in the interests of the global centre that produces technology and leads the phenomena of the flow of commodities, services, construction and other things prevailing in western countries, especially America , to other countries and third world countries in particular. And we believe that globalization especially cultural globalization has different impacts because at first glance, the concept of globalization calls for the unification of ideas, values and ways of thinking among different peoples of the world as a means providing a broad area of mutual understanding and bringing people closer and securing world peace and these are all goals worth respect and appreciation . This triggered more inquiries about globalization; its nature, facts, illusions, advantages, disadvantages and how to deal with it. According to Nadine Dolby and Fazal Rizvi (2008), â€Å"consider the different forms and intensification of youth mobility- physical, imagined,virtual,desired,enforced- across both local and global spaces. † People in different regions are caught up in the continual circulation of global culture, through all types of media, movies and the internet; this is has recently changed since the circumstances that young people inhabit are different from the past. Young people are affected by the local and global dynamic is represented as a part of how they become modern and it not really understood in social or political shapes the young peoples daily lives. There is a fact that globalization represents the local as acted upon, as powerless in the face of global forces and it is argued that power is not confined to the global. As explained by Jacqueline Kennelly not resolving potential debates and argues that an important and fruitful direction for youth studies can be found in more historically enriched approaches to researching â€Å"young people today†. As discussed in many of these articles about youth culture has given me a better perspective of how that are existent throughout the world. The notion is that the late modern condition of globalization is influenced by such forces that are being met by powerfully globalizing forces. Multiple research has been done throughout the world with economic, academic and other resources has been essential because there has been global, political and social forces causing all the young people from being privileged like other countries. Young people are at the very heart of this unfolding global economic and cultural order. Also to acknowledge the effects of national location with all the local and global relations with the contemporary youth has caused many problems and needs to be changed right away without it becoming a major problem. Many discussions have been done about youth culture in different countries because some people may want to know what is going on with youth especially in global communities since we cannot be close to them.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Diwali Is the Festival Closet to My Heart Essay

Diwali is the festival closest to my heart. It embraces all religions and it not only illuminates houses but also lives. This year was no different with my entire city karnal getting adorned over the last weekend to glowing LEDs while candles played a minor role in some houses. A significant and traditional part of this festival is crackers. They have only evolved over the years and presently you’ll be spoilt for choice shopping for them. However some enlightened minds have planted the seed of a polemic whether these crackers should be banned or not. India is witnessing a sorry state. In this country celebrities run over pedestrians and walk free. Ironically they run NGOs to assist the needy! A parallel can be drawn to politicians, bureaucrats and every member of the society. It is thus not surprising to find people squandering money all round the year but raising moral issues when it comes to bursting crackers. Some benevolent ones choose to abstain from them and do charity instead. What fails to pervade them is that these crackers are manufactured by dirt poor people who look forward to this festival all through the year for their livelihood. Why not do charity by purchasing their products? Another matter of grave concern is environmental pollution. Despite laws being enforced sound pollution hasn’t been curbed and the state police remain a mute spectator. The air pollution too is on a mammoth scale. But for a state topping the charts on the air pollution barometer, another drop in the ocean shouldn’t matter much. Diwali is the festival of lights and crackers constitute its focal point. The onus is upon us to celebrate responsibly by staying within the decibel limit. Otherwise we can keep these debates aside for one day and indulge in the ultimate aesthetic and entertaining aspect of this festival – crackers!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Should You Believe Every Word in an Infomercial

Should You Believe Every Word in an Infomercial Never Believe Everything You’re Told on Television One Should Be Always Skeptical Nineteenth-century humorist Stephen Leacock once said that advertising is â€Å"the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.† In a society in which advertising – lies, basically – is the standard, it’s a shame that Americans are still so impervious to the deception they face every single day in print and digital advertising, billboards – and especially infomercials. These advertising films bearing lie after lie after lie serve to promote a product in an informative and supposedly objective style. But it’s possibly the most subjective thing a person hears all day, and the everyday person – well, a â€Å"consumer† in this case – should not believe every word (or even most of what they are being told) in an infomercial. To begin with, one should always be skeptical of what an infomercial tells them because the video is fundamentally an advertisement – and advertisements generally lie, or at least embellish. Advertisements exploit the emotions of the viewer, the potential buyer, into thinking the product being promoted is the best thing ever made, an item that will make their lives better longer, solve all their problems and heal their illnesses; the be-all, end-all item – the product everyone will be soon be buying! In other words, it’s one big lie. Now, of course, some infomercials will tell fewer lies than others, and some of them may actually serve to truly help people. Nonetheless, advertisements generally always embellish in some way or another, so they should never be trusted entirely. One should generally be skeptical of what an infomercial tells them, regardless of how great and perfect and awesome it sounds because they cannot test the product – most of the time – before purchasing it. The infomercial generally tells them to â€Å"buy now and save 25 percent off the whole price,† so they impulsively buy the item before considering its value and credibility – to see if it works, basically. The buyer has no way of knowing this if all they have to go by is the infomercial itself. They could be thinking they are buying a one-of-a-kind pair of sunglasses that protects them from ultraviolet sun rays, that cannot break or scratch. But they don’t know this is the case – not until they purchase them and see for themselves. The infomercial will make tons of promises validating what they are saying, but the consumer could never know for sure. This is one major reason a person should never believe every word of an infomercial: They have no way of telling if what they are being told about the product is true or not. They have to just rely on what the seasoned, greedy businessman is telling them; and that is never a smart way to make a purchase. Infomercials Are Never Objective A person at home should never entirely trust what an infomercial tells them for another very important reason: if the item is as good as the infomercial says, the potential buyer will likely have already heard about it from another person – through word-of-mouth marketing, perhaps the oldest form of advertising in the world. If something works and people like it – consider the car, the Internet, Netflix, Apple computers, coffee, writing pens, almost anything – they will tell other people about it, and others will purchase the item, too. People believe friends and family members, and they are generally distrusting of salesmen. But, unfortunately, infomercials cater mostly to gullible, elderly women sitting at home, with nothing but a phone and credit card in their hand. They will believe anything. In conclusion, infomercials should rarely be trusted in entirety; one should never believe all they are told in a video advertisement. One should never trust every word in any advertisement, either. Because they are not objective, because they can easily lie about a product’s value and workability, and because word-of-mouth advertising is always the best source of truth, the words of infomercials should not be believed – only looked at with utter skepticism. Not all advertisements are lies, of course, though many do embellish a product’s usefulness in order to convince the customer to buy this product. Once again, Stephen Leacock knew exactly what he was talking about when he postulated that advertising is nothing more than tricking people into taking their money. But it’s the way it is, perhaps the way it will always be; but people should still, nonetheless, be skeptical. One should never believe everything they are told.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Mobs and Mobiles

Mobs and Mobiles Mobs and Mobiles Mobs and Mobiles By Mark Nichol It is etymologically appropriate that the term mob should be associated with a roiling crowd, because the word is a clipped form of mobile. That word, in Latin, means â€Å"movable,† but it also had the sense of â€Å"fickle,† which was what is meant by the Latin phrase mobile vulgus, which refers to the perception of the ruling class in ancient Rome that public opinion was capricious. (Plus à §a change . . .) (Vulgus, meanwhile, means â€Å"the common people,† and the perceived base behavior of the rabble- again, judged from above- prompted the adjective vulgar. The Latin term also begat another adjective, the first word in the phrase â€Å"Vulgate Bible,† referring to a translation of the Bible accessible to the populace). The slang shortening of mobile to mob occurred sometime in the late 1600s, and we still use it to refer to a large, unruly group of people. (Mobcap, the word for a large woman’s cap worn indoors, is unrelated; it comes from the obsolete name Mab.) To mob someone originally meant to attack him or her in a group; it now applies to any mass of people accosting someone, as when a celebrity is spotted in a public place and besieged for autographs or to be photographed. Mob is also associated with organized crime during the Roaring Twenties (at about the same time that the phrase â€Å"mob scene† was coined to refer to a crowded place), but it had first been applied to a gang of criminals nearly a hundred years earlier than that. Mobster was first attested in 1916, about twenty years after gangster officially entered the lexicon. The adjective mobile means â€Å"able to move or be moved.† (The name of the city of Mobile in Alabama is unrelated; it derives from a Native American word.) In the 1930s, the word was first used to modify the noun sculpture to refer to a piece of art, usually suspended, in which motion is integral to the effect of the art on the observer; in the late part of the following decade, the adjective stood on its own to become a noun referring to such art. Automobile was first, in the mid-nineteenth century, an adjective (a mash-up of Greek and French-based-on-Latin meaning â€Å"self-moving†); the French phrase và ©hicule automobile was truncated in the late 1800s to automobile, which briefly had in French the synonym locomobile (loco means â€Å"from a place,† hence locomotive, â€Å"moving from a place†). During the transitional period when use of horse-drawn vehicles and early automobiles coincided, the term hippomobile (the first element is from the Greek word for horse, known mainly from hippopotamus, or â€Å"water horse†) distinguished the former from the latter. Snowmobiles, developed in the early 1900s, were so named starting in 1931. Mobile homes, derived from travel trailers and originally designed early in the twentieth century to accommodate people who needed to move often, later developed into prefabricated homes that could be hauled to a permanent or semipermanent location, resulting in the name being oxymoronic. Mobility is the quality of being mobile, while to mobilize is to make capable of movement; the military sense, which refers to a country’s large-scale preparation for war, actually precedes the general definition. (It was first used in the mid-eighteenth century.) The noun form of mobilize is mobilization. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Good At, Good In, and Good WithAmong vs. AmongstI wish I were...

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Film Schindler's List Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Film Schindler's List - Movie Review Example chindler' Lit i not jut a biography of Okar chindler, but it i the tory of how good can overcome evil and how charity can overcome greed. (Paldiel, 2007) chindler' Lit begin with the early life of Okar chindler. The novel decribe hi early family life in the Autro-Hungarian Empire, and hi adolecence in the newly created tate of Czecholovakia. It tell of hi relationhip with hi father, and how hi father left hi mother. Hi mother i alo decribed in great detail. Like many German in the outh, he wa a devout Catholic. he i decribed a being very troubled that her on would take after her etranged huband with hi negligence of Catholicim. Okar never forgave Han, hi father, for hi abandonment of hi mother , which i ironic conidering that Okar would do the ame with hi wife Emilie. In fact Han and Okar chindler' live would become o much in parallel that the novel decribe their relationhip a "that of brother eparated by the accident of paternity." Okar' relationhip with Emilie i alo decribed in detail a i their marriage. The heart of the novel begin in October 1939 when Okar chindler come to the Polih city of Cracow. It ha been ix week ince the Ger man' took the city, and chindler ee great opportunity a any entrepreneur would. For chindler, Cracow repreent a place of unlimited poibilitie becaue of the current economic diorder and cheap labor. Upon hi arrival in Cracow he meet Itzak tern, a Jewih bookkeeper. chindler i very impreed with tern becaue of hi buine prowe and hi connection in the buine community. oon chindler and tern are on their way to the creation of a factory that would run on Jewih labor. Around thi time, the perecution of the Jew of Poland begin with their forced relocation into ghettoe. Thi turn out to be timely for chindler a now he i able to get very cheap labor. (Fench, 1995) The next few year would go well for chindler and hi factory for they turned a great profit. In fact he made o much money that he i quoted a aying, "I've made more money than I could poibly pend in a lifetime." Hi worker were alo very happy. Thi i becaue "chindler' Jew" were treated a human a oppoed to being treated a animal. For them, working in chindler' factory wa an ecape from the ghetto and from much German cruelty. They loved chindler o much that hi factory became known a a haven throughout the Jewih community. However, thing began to go our for chindler, when the German ordered the liquidation of the ghettoe. oon all of the Jew in the Cracow ghetto were relocated to the Plazow labor camp. By thi time chindler had grown o affectionate toward hi Jewih worker that he refued to hire Pole, and intead ought of a way to keep uing the Jew that he had grown o accutomed to. A the Cracow Jew were relocated to the Plazow labor camp, Okar chindler came into direct dealing with the camp' dir ector, Amon Goeth. He did not like Amon, but he tried to get in on hi bet ide in order to keep uing hi Jew in hi factory. Amon agreed to let chindler ue them, and thu aving hi Jew from ome of the harhne of the Plazow labor camp. A the war began to go badly for the German, they decided to accelerate their "final olution" by ending the Jew to more initer concentration camp uch a Auchwitz. Thi i when Okar chindler finally come to the realization that he had the power to help hi people. (Yule, 1997) The now enlightened chindler decide to ue hi entire fortune to